A Personal Record of Crossing The Jordan – Sunday Thought For The Day
The last sentence of Joshua 4:7 (KJV) reads: "And these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children
Continue readingThe last sentence of Joshua 4:7 (KJV) reads: "And these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children
Continue readingOver Christmas, as my son and I sat talking, I told him that my greatest regret as a father was not being
Continue readingThe idea that a person can change their sex simply by thinking they are not the male or female they were
Continue readingWe live in a world in which proper, i.e., acceptable behavior is most often based upon situation ethics.
Continue readingThe following was written by my friend and colleague Louis Woodhill. It appeared in the Washington Times,
Continue readingI was thinking about Christmas, but I wasn’t thinking about toys and family gatherings. I was thinking
Continue readingThe sin consumed godless are quite full of themselves these days. They actually believe that they are
Continue readingOnce again this Christmas I would like to share with you a piece I did in 2012. It brings back memories
Continue readingRabid black Communists, class warfare, racialism, black bigotry, blackdom-mongering, and both the practice
Continue readingLetitia James, the attorney general elect of New York, has made it known that she is not interested in
Continue readingSuppose you were engaged in a casual conversation with a stranger and they asked you to tell them about
Continue readingThe following was written by my good friend John Wiles, owner of Best Wings Shooting. I cannot overstate
Continue readingAs we approach Christmas, I would like to take a moment and thank you from the bottom of my heart for
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